Sunday, June 28, 2009

still weaning...

i envisioned this process being much more....relaxed. so far it is not. thomas hasn't nursed for over a week, and i'm still uncomfortable and sore. naturally, i have been...

taking descongestants
and using...
cabbage leaves

(yes, i said cabbage leaves). people swear by them, and actually, i did too when i first started nursing. however, nothing seems to help. tonight i even drank sage tea, which actually isn't as bad as i thought it would be. add a bit of lemon and it's actually quite good. any other suggestions? how long is this supposed to take?

p.s. my heavenly baby who sleeps until 9:00 is long gone. he now wakes up when he used to get up to nurse, only instead of nursing and going back to sleep, he now just stays awake and begs for a "nana" (banana) or waffaf (waffle). he's now an early riser, and i don't like it one bit. i would much rather get up at 9:00 than 5:30. i hope this is a phase he will grow out of, but part of me knows he won't. at least i now have a motivation to get out of bed early...and a cute one at that.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

happy 3 years to us!

did i mention it was our anniversary? of course not...i'm so horrible.

i have been married to the greatest guy for THREE whole years. yep, three. it's been everything i could have imagined. although i honestly never really thought about what marriage would be like, i know steven has exceeded anything i could have dreamed up. he is so wonderful to me, even when i don't deserve it. he works hard at everything he does (which is why he has been at the library all week studying to take the mcat AGAIN, and filling out secondary applications). plus, he's pretty stinkin' cute....don't you think?

i think so. oh, how i love him.

leisurely afternoon

now that i'm not completely overwhelmed with school, i finally have a bit of time to read. this is what i have been reading...
...and so far, i really like it.

i forget how much i love to just sit and read for hours. i cannot wait to be done with school. i'm also glad thomas still takes long naps, to allow for such indulgences.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Weaning it is. Thomas is (was) still nursing. I know, he's almost two. crazy as it is, we both love it. Or loved it, rather. I have said I would stop for a while, but then Thomas kept getting sick, or having esophagus problems so he could eat anything for a week, and couldn't even drink milk without throwing it back up. But...he could nurse, so we kept it up. Plus, he is my baby, and it's just so sweet. We have begun the weening process, and it has been so hard for me to let it go. But, I know that I must. Thomas is not doing this willingly...not in the slightest. When I was doing my student teaching, he would do the sign for milk (his sign for nursing) as soon as I got home, and he nursed at least three times a day. Since I am done with my student teaching and Thomas gets uninterrupted mommy time, he has been able to only nurse in the morning. Last night I decided that my yearning for baby #2 is getting stronger, so I really need to stop nursing. So, last night I made sure there was a sippy cup full of milk in the fridge, so when Thomas woke up at 6:00 and wanted to climb in bed with mama and nurse, he would have some milk ready. It was not a good substitute, and he cried (and so did I). It kills me to see him so sad. He went back to sleep after I rocked him a bit, and tonight he again went to bed without nursing. It's want I wanted, but I'm still so sad about it. What if I never have another baby? What if I never get a chance to nurse again? What if I never have this special bond with my baby? Aww, motherhood, so sweet, and so difficult. And so goes the weaning process. I think we are almost there, where I told my self I want to be...but I want to "cheat" so badly. Would it really be so bad to go wake him up and let him nurse just for a second, one last time? He's just too precious. But...I won't, in hopes that Thomas will soon have a sibling. What I wouldn't do for my sweet, sweet boy.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

camera confusion.

dear photography buffs of the world,
i want to join your club. i am nearly done with school (so close!), and have decided that i need something to fill that time slot. what better hobby than documenting the life of my cute boy. i have done my research and think i want a canon rebel xsi. it is lovely, and so are the pictures it takes. i have been to a few different camera shops, and a billion websites, and this seems like it's the right choice for my price range. any comments? help me please!

*note: if i had more readers, this might be a more useful post. but alas, i do not. hopefully someone out there will take pity on me.

Friday, June 19, 2009


my sister thought we should have a joint garage sale. sounded simple enough. i spent days getting all of our "merchandise" ready, and we even made posters to promote the big event. the garage sale...okay, more like back patio sale...was scheduled to take place today and saturday from 9am to 4pm. thomas and i got up at 6 to drive down and set up shop. after many long, sad hours, we only had three customers (aside from my sister who bought stuff from me at her own garage sale) and one generous soul who actually bought something. very depressing.

what's the secret to a successful garage sale?

Monday, June 15, 2009

School's Out....

i may have gotten a bit excited about my first day off from school. maybe it was the perfect weather. either way, thomas seems to have been overwhelmed by my excitement. one whole week of this may be too much for him.

note: photos were taken with my iphone, since thomas drenched my poor camera in diet coke. i am now looking for a fancy new camera. any suggestions?