Here is a peek into our fabulous trip to Hawaii. It's sad that it took me THREE WEEKS to get them posted. However, it was such a fun trip, and I am still wondering why we live in Eugene instead of Hawaii. I mean come on, we are both students, and we could be students in Hawaii just as easily as we can be students in Oregon, right? It will be in the back of my mind until we have a reason NOT to be in Hawaii.
Note to self: It's much harder to get a tan when you have a toddler than it is when you're on your honeymoon. Who would have thought such a thing?
steven is a goofy dadda and a surgeon to be...and obsessed with all things football. kayla loves that she gets to play with her boys all day and has a soft spot for thrift stores and the decemberists...and she misses the ocean. thomas loves super heroes, rocketships and running through the sprinkler. henry will dance to anything that has a beat and loves to watch his big brother, pull things off of shelves and make music of his own. we all love snoballs. we`love and miss our families back in oregon. we are a happy bunch.